Homepage of the HATA group at DTU

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http://www.fusionframe.org - project on Fusion Frame
http://www.shearlet.org - project on Shearlets

Homepages for people with related interests

->Gerard Ascensi (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)

Radu Balan (Siemens Corporate Research)
Marcin Bownik (University of Oregon)

->Robert Calderbank (Princeton University)

Peter G. Casazza (University of Missouri)
Wojciech Czaja (University of Wroclaw and University of Vienna)
Stephan Dahlke (University of Marburg)
David Donoho (Stanford University)

->Dan Edidin (University of Missouri)

Karlheinz Gröchenig (National Research Center for Environmental and Health)
Kanghui Guo (Southwest Missouri State University)
Deguang Han (University of Central Florida)
Chris Heil (Georgia Institute of Technology)

->Eberhard Kaniuth (University of Paderborn) ->Alexander Klein (University of Giessen)

Demetrio Labate (North Carolina State University)

->Mark Lammers (University of North Carolina)

Shidong Li (San Francisco State University)

->Taotao Liu (Princeton University) ->Peter Maass (University of Bremen) ->Ali Pezeshki (Princeton University) ->Christopher J. Rozell (Rice University) ->Chen Sagiv (Tel Aviv University) ->Tomas Sauer (University of Giessen) ->Steven Senger (University of Missouri) ->Wolfgang Skrandies (University of Giessen)

Darrin Speegle (Saint Louis University)

->Hans-Georg Stark (Fachhochschule Aschaffenburg) ->Gabriele Steidl (University of Mannheim)

Thomas Strohmer (University of California, Davis)

->Gerd Teschke (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin) ->Janet C. Tremain (University of Missouri)

Guido Weiss (Washington University in St. Louis)
Akram Aldroubi (Vanderbilt University)
Larry Baggett (University of Colorado)
John Benedetto (University of Maryland)

->Bernhard Bodmann (University of Waterloo)

Marcin Bownik (University of Oregon)

->Carlos Cabrelli (University of Buenos Aires) ->Emmanuel Candes (California Institute of Technology)

Charles Chui (University of Missouri, Stanford University)
Ronald Coifman (Yale University)
Ole Christensen (Technical University of Denmark)
Wolfgang Dahmen (Technical University of Aachen)
Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University)
Hans Feichtinger (University of Vienna)
Massimo Fornasier (University of Vienna)

->Brigitte Forster (Technical University of Munich)

Hartmut Führ (GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health)

->Matthias Holschneider (University of Potsdam)

Brody Johnson (Saint Louis University)
Palle Jorgensen (University of Iowa)
Norbert Kaiblinger (University of Vienna)

->Keri Kornelson (Grinnell College) ->Angela Kunoth (University of Bonn) ->Zeph Landau (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute)

David Larson (Texas A&M University)
Mauro Maggioni (Yale University)
Ursula Molter (University of Buenos Aires)
Kasso Okoudjou (Cornell University)

->Gestur Olafsson (Luisiana State University) ->Gerlind Plonka (University of Duisburg-Essen) ->Daniel Potts (Technical University of Chemnitz)

Alexander Powell (Vanderbilt University)
Amos Ron (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Ivan Selesnick (Polytechnic University)
Zouwei Shen (National University of Singapore)
Joachim Stöckler (University of Dortmund)
Gilbert Strang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Jared Tanner (University of Utah)

->Roman Vershynin (University of California, Davis)

Yang Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Thomas Yu (Drexel University)


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\int_{x \in R^n} f(x) dx

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  1. (:html:)
  2. <script language="JavaScript">
  3. alert("Thanks to PM for that markup.");
  4. </script>
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